Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Winter Wonderland!

Sure winter is pretty, when you're watching snow fall from inside the warmth of your home and not waiting for a freakin' bus in -20 degree weather! I guess winter may have it's ups and downs but usually winter's bitter cold tends to drag people down a little, so one thing I usually do to make it more bearable is look for winter fashion trends. I can't speak for everyone else but it certainly makes me happy. It's really weird considering I never used to be this fashion conscious. Look what art school has done to me *shakes my head*. Anyway, shifting my focus on winter outfits and accessories takes my mind off the suckiness of winter, in fact, it cheers me up and now I look forward to going out. Here are my top 5...

Long Winter Coat
Not only is it long enough to warm your thighs, the slim-fitting shape and belt accentuates the curves, complimenting the figure.

Canada Olympics Winter Tuque
Haha, I really like this tuque, I've wanted one since last year's Vancouver Olympics.

Black Combat Boots
I absolutely love these boots, especially if they have a zipper on the inner sides. I don't even know why but I like that they kinda look like pirate boots.

Loop Scarf 
Also known as "infinity scarf" and "snood" (wth? now that just sounds hideous) but I suppose the latter gets its name from scarf and hoody, because it could be used as both a scarf and head cover.

Sweater Vest and Cardigan
 The more vintage looking, the better. I love how warm it keeps me. Here's an item that's both stylish and functional, what more could you ask for?

Sunday, December 26, 2010


I don’t wanna hurt you
I don’t wanna make you sway
Like I know I’ve done before
I will not do it anymore
I’ve always been a dreamer
I've had my head among
the clouds
Now that I’m coming down
Won’t you be my solid ground?

I look at you and see a friend
I hope that’s what you wanna be
Are we back now where
it all began?
Have you finally forgiven me?

Friday, December 17, 2010

Bring on the Christmas Spirit!

Being done with school is a delightful feeling! Perhaps that's why I wasn't feeling the Christmas spirit in the last couple of weeks before my break, the stress of school finals can really drain you of any feeling really. Fortunately, at last I can enjoy the fluffy snow, and lights, and cookies, and songs, and cheer! 
As of now, I'm excited about one thing in particular.. next week, I'm going to a concert. I'm going to watch the Trans-Siberian Orchestra! For those who don't know of them, they're basically a rock orchestra who bring classical music and mesh it with hard rock. They've done renditions of Beethoven's compositions and Christmas classics. I love them, they are crazy brilliant so I'm not surprised that people are saying their live shows are a-mazing! I've seen Youtube videos of their concerts and they are all about the experience... symphonic sound, lights and spectacle. 
Check out this awesome video of a house that has its Christmas lights synchronized to one of their songs...

Merry Christmas and Happy holidays!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Raised By Barbarians??

I was on the subway a couple of weeks ago, and as I was hurrying past people at rush hour, there was an elderly lady walking up the northbound steps. I saw this small, fragile elderly lady grab the railing for support and slowly make her way up the steps. For a second I considered helping her, but I was a bit far from her and thought to myself, maybe someone nearer will show some kindness. To my disappointment, I watched in aching sadness as people just brushed past her. It's like they didn't even acknowledge her presence. By the time I knew I should have gone back to provide a helping hand, it was already too late. Regret. I felt a pang of guilt afterwards that not only lasted that day, but days later. This subtle aching feeling of guilt in my gut would not leave. I realize these seemingly unnoticed things happen all the time but I don't know what it was about that particular moment that made me feel like such an awful human being. Will it kill you to take a minute of your busy lives to help someone who clearly is in need of it? Whatever happened to old-fashioned gentlemanliness? What will it take to see some kindness from strangers around here? Well, what else should I expect from cold, discourteous and inconsiderate Torontonians.
On the bright side, for every missed opportunity, there's another one waiting to be taken advantage of. Yesterday, an older lady was struggling with her trolley to get off the street car, there was a man beside me, he didn't move, so without a moment of hesitation I walked right up to her, gently grabbed her by the arm and helped her down. She thanked me and blessed me with genuine gratitude in her eyes. That was enough for me. Hey cyborgs, you should try it, hold a door, offer your seat, do something nice for someone for a change.
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop
- Your friendly neighbourhood spiderman

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Last Dream Of A Hero

So my sister wrote this poem a while ago for remembrance day, and i thought it was really good and just had to share it...

I had a dream
I saw colours- no, shades
They circled me with songs
A melody of suffering, bravery and desperation
I looked around but saw nothing
My eyes were blocked
Desperate to find an image
I rubbed them vigorously
Suddenly, a small glow appeared
In the center, I saw my daughter
She was running
Her hair flowing 
My wife was behind her
They ran in a colourful field
Flowers bloomed and brightened their smiles
They looked so beautiful
Their laughs were like a soft melody
Lulling me to sleep
Just then, there was a bloodcurdling cry 
It brought everything back to grey
A loud explosion 

A Simple Flower.
A Powerful Meaning.


Friday, October 29, 2010

G is for Genius

Haha well, as for myself I don't know if I could agree much with the genius part , however I did manage to pass my final (thank God) driving test. The blasted highway test. See, unlike you lucky Americans, Canadians don't have to pass just 1 test to get their full licence, we need to pass 3. Theory(G1). Practice(G2). And the highway(G)..dun dun dunn. In a way, I suppose it's better, the roads desperately need more cautious drivers. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate bad drivers? Well I do, I get pretty bad road rage and pedestrian rage. And you know who my rage is mostly targeted at? The younger men (THE WORST), you know those dudes that zip right past you, cut you off or swerve through lanes like they own the roads with their bass on full blast causing birds' hearts to stop? Yeah I'm prejudiced against them. But I have legit reason to be, according to statistics, 80% of pedestrian accidents involved a male driver behind the wheel! It's no wonder the insurance rates are so much higher for men. It's ridiculous how their mindset is on living forever, they think just because they're young and know how to "drive", they're invincible and indestructible>"Oh that'll never happen to me".They don't take into account the potential risks and dangers. They don't consider that in a split second, their life or the lives of others around them could totally change or worse, end. Brainless and careless, isn't that just like men. =) But hey, you can't live with them, you can't live without them. So anyways I'm really happy about finally acquiring the big G class! Never again will I have to take another driving lesson or test!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I See Naked People

Here are some of my drawings of nudes done in charcoal and soft pastels for your eyes to view...
The first one was a life study done 2 years ago I believe, the last 2 were from a book done last term.
Disclaimer: Most of the content in the following artwork may be offensive to some viewers, be advised.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Art and Whatnot

Okay, so correct me if I'm wrong but I just realized I haven't posted any of my work up...I know, sad sad tsk tsk. I guess that was half the reason I set up a blog account right lol.
Gosh, I don't even know where to begin...I guess I'll show my more recent work, it's a series I painted last term in my 4th year.
The concept: Politics and Corruption (My first time working with a heavy topic, I don't usually deal with such depressing topics but I wanted to challenge myself and step out of my comfort zone.)
I'll stop yammering now...

Medium: Acrylic, gel medium, charcoal and newspaper on canvas

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Day of Thanks and Giving..

A brief history...

"The first American Thanksgiving probably took place in New England. It was celebrated by the Pilgrim settlers, who established Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts in 1620. The Pilgrims had struggled bravely through a grim winter with much sickness and little food.

The following spring, friendly Indians helped the settlers to plant corn, and in the autumn, the first crop was harvested. Governor William Bradford proclaimed three days of prayer and thanksgiving. The Pilgrims gave a huge feast and invited the Indian Chief, Massosoit, and 90 of his people."
You can read more about its history at this website>

Americans celebrate this day on the last Thursday of November. In Canada, it is celebrated on the second Monday of October. While it has become a widely spread tradition and holiday, I feel it has lost some of its true roots. Yes, families may come together, share a turkey feast and enjoy one another's company, but is that enough? Shouldn't we be thankful for everything we have? Shouldn't we be waking up every morning grateful and not just be thankful once a year? How about telling the people closest to us how much we appreciate everything they do for us? Or inviting those people who can't afford even a meal to come eat with us? How about giving rather than taking? Just a thought.

I just want to express how thankful I am to God for every breath I breathe, for my amazing mother who is the love of my life. For the beautiful, caring friends and family that surround me. For getting me through all life's hell holes and that I am a stronger person today because of that. Also for every basic necessity I do have that would be considered a luxury in other countries.
What are you thankful for?

Friday, October 8, 2010

Led Astray

I wrote this a while back...
Here we are miles apart
Don't know how or why
Just know that it's not the same
Everything's changed
You're in your boat
While I'm in mine
We use to be so close
Tell me how did it come to this
Just wanna let you know
That I miss you so
Use to laugh use to play
Use to share a lovely bond
But now it's gone
Was it me?
What did I say? What did I do?
So you have your issues
The world does too
How long must I wait?
I have no other option
For my love for you is what drives my patience
Longing for you to come to me
Just as you are
All your hurts all your pain
I read it in your eyes
Must you be so stubborn?
Must I pull out the weeds in order to get through?
People notice people talk
Can't you feel the tension?
Do you feel anything?
Wrong crowds dear naive one
We may have our indifferences 
Can't we put them aside?
Stop trying to fly when I can bring the sun down to you
So far away and out of touch
Strangers in our own sphere
You think I won't understand
Just give me a chance 
And I'll prove it to you
Give me your hand
Lend me your trust
I don't just want to have tried
Stop me from believing that you could care less if I died
Broken hearts broken dreams
But despite everything
I just want to see you happy
It seems the world is out to devour young minds
Intimidate young souls
Let me protect you from all the confusion
Don't fall victim
Must I use a special key to unlock the cage to your heart?
Stop fighting I swear not to judge you
Who am I to have that entitlement
Just let me be here for you.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Days With My Father

So I recently stumbled upon this photographer's work and I fell in love. I was so emotionally drawn, I can't even fully describe it. In fact, his work is so beautiful, so profound that I found myself smiling and crying. His name is Philip Toledano. In this series, he documents and captures everyday moments of his father in his last couple of years before his death. I feel a strong connection to Toledano and perhaps it's because we share this same experience, I remember spending the last few days at the hospital with my ill father before he passed away. Here's the link...
Days With My Father
What truly broke me upon viewing the photographs was reading that his father had no short-term memory and thus was constantly re-living the shocking news of the death of his wife. It was painful for both Toledano and his father.
It makes me realize how fragile and precious the human life is, one day you're young, beautiful, and healthy and the next day you're withering away like dust..

Saturday, September 25, 2010

When in Danger, Use a Zucchini!

So I recommend you guys read this article beforehand, it's pretty amusing...
Woman hits bear with zucchini

First off, I was like WTH??! Then I burst out laughing because it's not every day you hear of a person fending off a wild animal with a vegetable. I thought what this woman did was pretty crazy not to mention foolish but above all it was very brave. It must be instict to able to run up to a 200 pound black bear and proceed to kick it, like protecting a child from harm even if it means putting your own life at risk. But a zucchini as a weapon of choice?? Well I guess she really had no time to think twice and grabbed the nearest blunt object, a 36 cm long zucchini. I probably would have done the same that situation you panic and act on impulse. She had to do what she had to do to protect her baby (the dog) and her home. So kudos to her. Her dog must be really grateful. I hope he's alright.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Shine for Me

"I love you more than the sun and the stars that I taught how to shine, you are mine, and you shine for me too.."
You are the sun in my sky. I will travel the starry night in search for the moon and bring it back to you.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

True Beauty

I was on the bus the other day just people observing, when a weird realization hit me... people are actually kinda beautiful. Now, appearance-wise, not everyone may be a stud muffin but I look at them, I see them smile, I see them frown, I see them observing others, I see them lost in thought, I see them for who they are even though they are complete strangers to me. Have you ever found yourself in a semi-full subway train and looking at people thought, I wonder what this person's life is like, what do they do? Where do they work? What's happening in their social life? Personal life? What's on their minds at that very moment? What's in their hearts?

See this is what a 45 minute commute to school does to you, it provokes overthinking, listening to music eventually leads to thinking, reading a book and even watching people around you gets you pondering. Then again it could just be me and my brain running wild.

Despite all the "ugly", cruel, cold, rude and horrible people that surround us daily, in the midst of that we can still get a glimpse of how genuinely beautiful the human being can be, catching them in their fragile and vulnerable moments. The other day I saw two little girls on the bus and I didn't just think they were beautiful, I felt it, in my heart, as cheesy as that sounds. Even seeing people sleeping, it's precious. Yesterday, a random construction worker dude made a baby laugh, it was a such an adorable, tender moment, not only did I see the beauty in these two strangers interacting, I felt it as well and in seeing the face of the baby's mother as she smiled.

On that note, it's interesting...why is it that our views and opinions of a certain person's "beauty" change over time as we get to know them? Or do they?

“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart”

- Helen Keller

This song really has nothing to do with my blog lol, but I really love it! I feel the beauty of it in my heart ;-)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

K-9 Fever

I guess this will be my only post for this month, you see I've been quite busy this month as you can pretty much tell. I was in florida on vacation with my bestie and I have much to share but that will have to wait for another day. For now I'd like to show off my sister's new puppy which she got a couple weeks ago. He's the cutest little furball. A gorgeous Siberian Husky with one blue eye and one hazel/grey eye. I present to you our new addition to the family, Miko..

Friday, July 30, 2010

Heartbreak Warefare

I love this song!! John Mayer is kind of a cocky douchebag in my eyes but I'm a fan of his voice and his music<3

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Summer Favs

I thought I should write a lighter, breezier post this time since the last one was more of a rant. Um, so I just realized that I haven't really talked about fashion much, and not that I'm a crazy, diva fashionista, but I do have my tastes. So I will just share 5 items of clothing/products I think are hot this summer, and 1 I think should definately be on the not list...

1) The Strawed Fedora
I don't know whether it was Jason Mraz or Carly Rae Jepsen in her music video for Tug-of-War that got me hooked on these cute hats but I think they're amazing and perfect for the summer and not just for going to the beach. Not only are they stylish but they protect your head from intense mr. sunshine.

2) The Sweet Jumper
This adorable one-piece outfit comes strapless and with straps. The material is light and thus comfortable and great for any occasion whether it be a casual chill-out day with friends or a date/night out with the girls, just glam up the look with some pretty jewelery and voilà!

 3) Summer Make-up
  For me personally, summer make-up is all about looking natural, which means the complete opposite of caking on everything in your make-up bag. I like shimmery peaches, pinks, pearls, golds and bronzes. Look for tones and tints that compliment your skin tone. Pick a good mascara (I love L'Oreal voluminous water-proof) to brighten up your eyes and some moisturizing chapstick with an SPF of at least 15.

4) Gladiators and Topsiders
The nice thing about gladiators is that they go with pretty much anything, from shorts to pants to dresses and skirts. It took a while for them to grow on me but they eventually did. However I'm only a fan of the low cut ones, the high strap, calf-embracing ones I feel are trying a little too hard. Topsiders are shoes that I've always had a crush on, I think they look great on both men and women. And tell me they don't scream out comfortable, am I wrong?

5) Frizz Controller
What's that one thing girls complain about during the summer? Oh right, the humidity and how their hair suffers from it. Well I bring you a great solution, now I haven't actually ever tried this stuff but I hear it's super. I have tried the John Freida Frizz-Ease Shampoo for curly hair and the difference it made on my hair really stood out. This product works on all hair types to eliminate frizz.

And lastly a fashion faux pas....

6) The Blindingly Neon Fannypack
 This hiddeous thing should seriously NEVER come back in style. It should remain back in the 80s and 90s where it belongs and should never come back from the grave to haunt us. Sure it's handy and convenient but there are so many other more trendy alternatives, why opt for this? WHY? It's not cool dude, sorry but not even you can rock that.

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Evil Tongue

Why is it that we hurt the ones who love us and love the ones who hurt us?

I saw this on someone's facebook status not too long ago and it really made me think. I realized how true it was. Why do we end up ruining relationships we have with close loved ones and try to make unhealthy ones work? Is it because we know that no matter what the ones who love us will always be there for us, whereas we fear that the ones who hurt us will leave us if we don't strive to keep them happy despite the fact that it will only end up damaging us more in the end?
You know the saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me"? Well clearly whoever came up with that was not human (probably some robot cyborg). 'Cause words do affect a person, deeper than you may think.

Sometimes we're too blind or too caught up in our own selfish ways to see that the people who love us just want the best for us, that's why when they give us advice in certain situations that displease us, we react by hurling bitter words at them, words that are not meant to cut that deep but do so anyway, words that once are out of one's mouth are impossible to take back. Words that rip a hole through your bare chest and pierce your fragile, beating heart. No matter how "tough", strong or heartless one appears to be, everyone is a victim. We underestimate the power of our words, the power of the human tongue. It's funny, it's only a tiny part the body, but with it we can start forest fires. By the time we realize how deeply we cut someone, it's already too late. But hey, we're not perfect, sometimes when we're angry, we say things in the heat of the moment, without thinking about how it will affect the person. And that's just it! we don't think before we speak. I can say for myself that I'm guilty of this. Because although we might not mean to cause others pain, the damage is inevitable.
Man, we can be real idiots sometimes believing we know what we're doing. We may even consciously know that they are right but often a little thing called pride gets in the way and we rebuke them anyway. However, this is a mistake we can all avoid, we just need to acquire more patience and self-control, in other words stop being so quick to anger. We also need to quit being so closed off to our loved ones, listen to their say and take it into consideration. They care about us and maybe they've been in our shoes and just don't want to see us get hurt. Being wise is to analyze our relationships, remove any trash (people) that aren't worth maintaining in our life.

So instead of spreading venom with our words we should try spreading joy and encouragement. Our words should bring life to our close relationships, not death.

This song is old but I absolutely love it! the lyrics hit me hard.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Viva La Vida

I don't really have much to say at the moment, wait scratch that, I actually have a lot on my mind, but I can't pick out a topic, so I thought I would post a song I recently discovered that's been stuck in my head, it's a spanish song by a mexican band called Jaguares. Might as well post a spanish song since I am currently in a spanish speaking country. There's just something addictive about this song, it's called La Vida No Es Igual, translated means Life Is Not The Same. So, here you go...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Kid at Heart

It's funny, I've recently been reminiscing the days when I was working at my previous job last summer as camp councellor at a kid's camp, and I have to say in all honesty, that was probably the best job I've ever had. I loved working with the kids and although they were quite a handful most of the time (especially the boys) and drained you to the point of passing out, they were just so much fun! I don't know maybe it's their bouncy ceaseless energy, the fact that they are just so dang adorable, the ridiculous and funny things they say/do, playing with them.. they make me feel young again, haha well like a kid, they bring me back to the days of my childhood. Not only that, through my experience with these children, I learned to be a more stern and assertive person. I'm generally a passive, happy, patient person, but man can those kids push your last nerves over the edge! Goodbye doormat mcniceypants. I still love 'em. I love when they come up to you with their problems/rat out other kids and trust that you will fix them/bring proper justice, or when they actually listen to you, when they snuggle up to you and tell you they like you, the warm and fuzzy sense of accomplishment you feel when you teach them something new. The best is hearing their take on the world. Listening to their theories/beliefs about every subject known to mankind. Or even when they ask the most interesting and awkward questions that completely throw you off.
Ok so I just had to share these quotes, they are too funny!
Kids really do say the darnest things...

"Love is like an avalanche where you have to run for your life." -- John, age 9
"Once I'm done with kindergarten, I'm going to find me a wife." -- Tom, age 5
"On the first date, they just tell each other lies, and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date." -- Mike, 10
"It's never okay to kiss a boy. They always slobber all over you. That's why I stopped doing it." -- Tammy, age 10
"Spend most of your time loving instead of going to work." -- Dick, age 7 (Although this came out of a kid's mouth, I feel it speaks volumes!)
"Tell your wife that she looks pretty even if she looks like a truck!" -- Ricky, age 7
"Be a good kisser. It might make your wife forget that you never take out the trash." -- Erin, age 8
"Don't say you love somebody and then change your mind. Love isn't like picking what movie you want to watch." -- Natalie, age 9 (Another child who is wise beyond her years!)
"Give me a haircut like my dad’s – with a hole on top." -- Unknown kid.
Jack was watching his Mom breast feeding his new baby sister. After a while he asked: "Mom why have you got two? Is one for hot and one for cold milk?" 
Danni stepped onto the bathroom scale and asked: "How much do I cost?" 
"A myth is a female moth."-- Unknown kid. 
"Did you wash your hands?" 4year old: "No, but I licked them."

Friday, June 18, 2010

Narrow Path

Here I am
The days are gone
Solid turns to liquid
Hurt into bitterness
There's no direction
There's no direction
To each our own crimes
Passing enemy lines
I try to warn you
But you let it go
There's no connection
There's no connection
Empty words and distant faces
Fill my thoughts with hollow traces
No longer the same
Am I the one to blame?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

26 Things the Movies Taught You...

1) Large, loft-style apartments in New York City are well within the price range of most people--whether they are employed or not.
2) At least one of a pair of identical twins is born evil.
3) Should you decide to defuse a bomb, don't worry which wire to cut. You will always choose the right one.
4) Most laptop computers are powerful enough to override the communications system of any invading alien society.
5) It does not matter if you are heavily outnumbered in a fight involving martial arts: your enemies will wait patiently to attack you one by one by dancing around in a threatening manner until you have knocked out their predecessors.
6) When you turn out the light to go to bed, everything in your bedroom will still be clearly visible, just slightly bluish.
7) If you are blonde and pretty, it is possible to become a world expert on nuclear fission at the age of 22.
8) Honest and hard-working policemen are traditionally gunned down three days before their retirement.
9) Rather than wasting bullets, megalomaniacs prefer to kill their arch enemies using complicated machinery involving fuses, pulley systems, deadly gasses, lasers and man-eating sharks, which will allow their captives at least 20 minutes to escape.
10) All beds have special L-shaped cover sheets that reach the armpit level on a woman, but only to waist level on the man lying beside her.
11) All grocery shopping bags contain at least one stick of French bread.
12) It's easy for anyone to land a plane, providing there is someone in the control tower to talk you down.
13) Once applied, lipstick will never rub off--even while scuba diving.
14) You're very likely to survive any battle in any war unless you make the mistake of showing someone a picture of your sweetheart back home.
15) Should you wish to pass yourself off as a German or Russian officer, it will not be necessary to speak the language. A German or Russian accent will do.
16) The Eiffel Tower can be seen from any window in Paris.
17) A man will show no pain while taking the most ferocious beating, but will wince when a woman tries to clean his wounds.
18) If a large pane of glass is visible, someone will be thrown through it before long.
19) If staying in a haunted house, women should investigate any strange noises in their most revealing underwear.
20) Word processors never display a cursor on screen but will always say: “Enter Password Now.”
21) Even when driving down a perfectly straight road, it is necessary to turn the steering wheel vigorously from left to right every few moments.
22) All bombs are fitted with electronic timing devices with large red readouts so you know exactly when they're going to go off.
23) A detective can only solve a case once he has been suspended from duty.
24) If you decide to start dancing in the street, everyone you meet will know all the steps.
25) Police departments give their officers personality tests to make sure they are deliberately assigned a partner who is their total opposite.
26) When they are alone, all foreign military officers prefer to speak to each other in English.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Waka Waka!

The end of my 5-week intensive french session has come to a sad yet happy end. I had my last exam today, and now I'm really looking forward to heading home to ma famille and all my favourite peeps. It's been a blast!! You don't even understand how glad I am that I made this decision. Meeting new people from all around was undoubtedly the best part, oh well that and the rafting experience. I will forever cherish the amazing moments I had here in Québec. Now I'm off to do bigger and better things with my improved french =)

On a different note, exciting news:
So it's that time again.....which one you may ask? The time that comes around every 4 years...FIFA World Cup 2010!! Ironically, it's the only time when I will actually feel a genuine desire to watch soccer. Haha. This time, it takes place in South Africa. 
I still remember the huge celebration 4 years earlier after Italy kicked France's butt in penalties (which by the way got a lot of controversy at the time). It. Was. Epic. All of Toronto was in full Forza Italia party mode, even non-Italians were out on the streets waving the Italian flag, passionately cheering out in victory. I have never felt so proud to be Italian at that moment lol.
I'm predicting it to be amazing this year regardless of which country wins the Cup. Obviously, I'm going for my two countries Mexico and Italy but there are two others that I'm cheering for as well, Brazil and Argentina. Why Brazil, 'cause they're freakin' great. Why Argentina? 'cause they're also freakin' great...and because I have Argentinian relatives. You know what's the best part about World Cup Soccer? It brings people of all nations and cultures together in harmony. It's a beautiful thing. 
With that I leave you a music vid for the official 2010 FIFA World Cup featuring Shakira. It's quite catchy! Enjoy...

Monday, May 31, 2010

Jeepers Creepers

Why is it that I ALWAYS give the WRONG guys the WRONG idea?!

Seriously! Is being nice now the equivalent of being flirty?? I don't understand! I should just  stop being nice to guys. It's funny, my best friend and I were discussing this the other day, how the guys you want will usually never catch on that you like them, and the dudes you don't like think a friendly smile from you means you're totally into them. I swear, guys are just about as clueless as my thumb... not to mention complete drama queens and douchebags who may appear like macho men but are clearly as insecure as pubescent girls.

Lol, okay let me give you a little background as to why I'm ranting on this subject:
One of the male students who I'm living with hit on me last weekend. And when I say he hit on me, I mean he REALLY hit on me as in he came on too fast and too strong! The crazy part is that we've only known eachother for a week! I should have suspected from the beginning and trusted my creepdar (creeper radar, I think I made up a word!), all those creepy elevator glances, his constant invitations to go on walks with him, invitations into his room at late hours (yeah, I know), his attempted massage on my neck *shivers*.  By the way, this dude is not as young as you think, he looks about, I'd say ..early 40s.
*Barfing a little in mouth*
That day that he "proposed" (I quote his term) and confessed to me, I was in the kitchen eating. After that little occurence I literally lost my appetite. First he told me he liked me a lot, which prompted my initial thought: " This scene is going to turn very awkward very quickly."
Then he went on about how beautiful and magnificent I was and how he liked my features, that I would be his princess, etc. and was like "don't you want to enjoy your time here?" *retching* He thought I was being shy because I was no longer making eye contact with him, but obviously it was 'cause he was totally creeping me out. Then when I thought things couldn't get any worse...he kisses my hand. Yeah. As I tried to retaliate my hand, I made it clear to him that I'm NOT interested and that he was making me feel very uncomfortable. He's Morrocan so I don't know if that's how they do things there but it's certainly not how things go down here in Canada.
So finally after he laughed it off (probably stung from rejection and embarrassment) he was okay with being friends. Days go by and I don't see him (I was deliberately avoiding him) until the 4th day, when he came into the kitchen. Weird. He acted as if nothing happened. It was still awkward. It's kinda hard to forget a situation like that. So yes, that's my story. Now I can't wait for these 2 weeks to be over!

And this isn't the first time. I feel like I'm always leading on the weirdos or the dudes I see solely as brothers. Although, some people can't help being natural flirts even if they have no feelings for that person, but I wouldn't consider myself to be one. Perhaps the tangent between a friendly act and a flirty one has been blurred, or perhaps it's me, maybe I'm just really naïve.

What are your thoughts on this issue?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Everything Will Be Fine

It's really hard.
Sometimes I can't help it, I allow my mind to wander and there you show up, like an apparition.
I've been better, distracted with school and this whole new experience and that's when I'm okay.
But sometimes, just sometimes it creeps up behind me, like the way a leopard stalks it's prey, waiting to strike me when I'm at my weakest and most vulnerable.
I still feel the pang of something that's missing. An empty box, with a familiar lingering scent.
Every little detail replays. Different moments, a touch, a look, a smile, words, freshly imprinted.
I know these thoughts should be forbidden and yet here I am, helplessly caught up in a moment of guilty pleasure, sinking, indulging in these perilous thoughts. I hate those days.
A song. A simple song I hear, and my insides begin to cringe, my wavering heart shrinks and aches, because this simple song, reminds me of you.
But you are candy-covered poison.
So, it is better this way. We go our separate paths. No contact whatsoever.
Now, we can't pretend nothing happened between us either, that would be ridiculous and impossible.
Just breathe deeply, accept it and move on.
And as much as I miss you and as much as it still hurts, I know in my heart I made the best decision to let you go...for good.
Because in the end, we would have both ended up broken. Shattered glass.
I know I'll be okay. Just give me a little time.
And everything will be fine.

I'm not a huge fan of MIKA but I find the songs from his new album to be quite awesome, this one in particular.