I was on the subway a couple of weeks ago, and as I was hurrying past people at rush hour, there was an elderly lady walking up the northbound steps. I saw this small, fragile elderly lady grab the railing for support and slowly make her way up the steps. For a second I considered helping her, but I was a bit far from her and thought to myself, maybe someone nearer will show some kindness. To my disappointment, I watched in aching sadness as people just brushed past her. It's like they didn't even acknowledge her presence. By the time I knew I should have gone back to provide a helping hand, it was already too late. Regret. I felt a pang of guilt afterwards that not only lasted that day, but days later. This subtle aching feeling of guilt in my gut would not leave. I realize these seemingly unnoticed things happen all the time but I don't know what it was about that particular moment that made me feel like such an awful human being. Will it kill you to take a minute of your busy lives to help someone who clearly is in need of it? Whatever happened to old-fashioned gentlemanliness? What will it take to see some kindness from strangers around here? Well, what else should I expect from cold, discourteous and inconsiderate Torontonians.
On the bright side, for every missed opportunity, there's another one waiting to be taken advantage of. Yesterday, an older lady was struggling with her trolley to get off the street car, there was a man beside me, he didn't move, so without a moment of hesitation I walked right up to her, gently grabbed her by the arm and helped her down. She thanked me and blessed me with genuine gratitude in her eyes. That was enough for me. Hey cyborgs, you should try it, hold a door, offer your seat, do something nice for someone for a change.
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop
- Your friendly neighbourhood spiderman
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