Friday, May 21, 2010

Big Girls Don't Cry

I just realized I haven't updated you guys on my current living arrangement. As of last Saturday, I'm no longer staying with the family I was initially living with. There was an unexpected but totally understandable change of plans and thus leaving me no other choice but to move out. Fortunately, they didn't just leave me out in the dirt to fend for myself, in fact, they hooked me up a friend of theirs who rents out rooms to students. There are 3 other students staying here, all of which attend Laval University. The place is pretty legit. It has it's advantages:
1) The rent cost is really decent for all they offer/include.
2) It's a heck of a lot closer to the university compared to where I was previously staying (about a 15 minute walk! As opposed to an 1 hour bus ride). And I'm also really close to a grocery store.
3) I get my own room!
4) In terms of independence, it's a super opportunity for me to gain skills on self-reliance.
5) I don't have to worry about coming late and waking up/worrying anyone.
6) And of course more freedom!
So all in all, I'm really glad I'm on my own, it's a new, challenging and exciting experience. I haven't been scared or anxious about anything so far, 'cause what is that gonna do? It won't make things any less stressful right? I'm just leaving this all in God's hands. I know He'll take care of it and of me, just as He's been doing up 'till now. I see this all as an adventure! Haha I probably sound like a dork. Speaking of adventures, I want to share this video that I find to be ridiculously random, pointless and hilarious. Not to mention catchy!

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