Saturday, February 27, 2010

At the movies...

Going to the movies can be a fun experience, especially when you're in the company of friends or family. But there are a couple of things about being in a theatre that can really get on your nerves, for instance, annoying people! Allow me to elaborate...

  1. Sticky floors - you finally find some seats in a packed theatre only to realize some clumsy boob spilled their drink all over the floor!
  2. Seat kickers (these are the WORST, I get them all the time!) - the movie finally starts, excited and happy--that is until you feel someone kicking the back of your seat. Talk about frustrating! You just want to turn around and strangle them.
  3. Giggling girlies - I'm speaking of those prepubescent girls who burst out giggling in the middle of a serious/suspenseful scene.
  4. Babblers and people who yell out stupid, meaningless nonsense - Usually it's teens, immature much? you're not funny, so shut up.
  5. Lazer losers - then there are those annoying fools who decide to make the scene more interesting by pointing their lazers at the middle of Ben Affleck's forehead.
  6. Full house - you're late for the movie, you walk in to your displeasure to find the theatre full, thus giving you no choice but to sit in the seats at the very front.
  7. Uncomfy seats - "Argh! why do I feel a lump under my butt!"
  8. Ring-a-dingers - people, please put your phones on silent or vibrate at least, this part is just getting interesting! The most irritating is during a deeply moving/sad scene, you're crying and all of the sudden out of nowhere some tropical islands/salsa ringtone breaks out. Way to ruin the moment.
  9. Popcorn dilemma - you're eating popcorn and your friend asks for some, passing it down to them, they take some and pass it back to you. You go to reach it but miscalculate the distcance because you're so absorbed in the scene that you accidentally knock it out of their hands. There goes your $ 7.
  10. Tall people - ok if you're tall and you know it, please sit near the back of the theatre where your big head won't be blocking my view.

 This movie looks really good! :-D

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Curls and Whatnot...

Yeah yeah, I know that I'm always ridiculing and criticizing my unruly, annoying, frizzy, jungle of thick hair (not to mention damaged), and I'm not just speaking for myself, there's probably a whole bunch of curly-haired people out there who feel the same way. It's funny how we constantly tend to want what we can't have, people with naturally straight hair want curly hair, people with natural curls want it straight. We humans get bored so easily, we always want change, something new, something more exciting, so we scavenge for it until we are satisfied. The problem is, we're never really fully satisfied with ourselves. Ever. But you know what? eventually I learned to be happy with who I am, I'm not like anybody else, I'm unique, just how God intended it to be, He created us uniquely, giving us our own appearance and traits which cannot be duplicated.

Going back to the subject of curly hair, I was examining my own in front of the mirror after a shower and realized that it's not so bad, it's actually kinda pretty when it's wet, the curls look nice and springy. I guess I just have to use the right products to keep my curls soft, more contoured and frizzless. It then dawned on me that many people would kill to have my hair, they resort to expensive salon perms, curlers, blowdryers, and harsh products which by the way contain a heck of a lot of chemicals! I have to thank God that I at least have hair on my head. I'm now truly grateful. So if you're a curly someone like me and feel like I did, you might want to reconsider, step into someone else's shoes who only wish they actually had hair.

 Ps. The mousse in the image shown, TRESemmé (flawless curls) is the stuff I'm currently using on my hair. It works wonders. :-)

Monday, February 8, 2010

You know it's hot outside when...


I just thought I should share a little something to take your minds off the brittle, cold winter and bring back a little heat from the summer with a little summer humour. Enjoy!

You know it's hot outside when...

  •  The birds have to use potholders to pull out the worms from the ground.
  •  The trees are whistling for the dogs.
  •  The best parking spot is determined by shade rather than distance.
  •  Hot water comes out of both taps.
  •  You can make sun tea instantly.
  •  You learn that a seat buckle makes a pretty good branding iron.
  •  The temperature drops below 35 C and you feel a little chilly.
  •  You discover that in August it only takes two fingers to steer your car.
  •  You discover that you get sunburned through your car window.
  •  You break into a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m.
  •  Your biggest bicycle wreck fear is, "What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cook to death?"
  •  You realize that asphalt has a liquid state.
  •  The potatoes cook underground, so all you have to do is pull one and add butter, salt and pepper.
  •  Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying boiled eggs.
  •  The cows are giving evaporated milk.