Ever have those really weeird days where you go through a series of intense mixed emotions?
I swear yesterday felt like a dream. A lot of interesting things happened and it put me through an emotional rollercoaster (funny that I say this as I literally did go on rollercoasters; we went to Wonderland). Throughout the day there were many tense/stressful moments with certain people as well as complete strangers. I felt intense headaches and dizziness and I'm not quite sure if it was a result of the rides or the intense sun or a combination of the two but it was something I've never experienced to that degree before. It kind of scared me. And on top of everything, I was PMSing. Lovely, I know. Excitement, anger, adrenaline, pressure, frustration. My head was about to explode, I couldn't take it, I couldn't even sleep!
You know what was even weirder? the fact that I woke up this morning and just sensed this calm, a peace that was incomprehensible, it was like the world went back to normal, like nothing happened the previous day. I love that, I'm really grateful to God for it. The calm after the storm.