Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sick of it!

I'm sick and tired of being taken advantage of! I'm sick and tired of people using and abusing me!! What the frig is wrong with people now a days?! Have they absolutely no consideration for others?! The nerve of them! Well you know what?! No more! I will no longer be subject to acts of obligation because I am no longer a door mat! Screw them, they can all suck lemons for all I care!! 
Phewww....ok, I'm done.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Mmm, feeling a little environmental...

Evergreen by Yoann Lemoine from Liz on Vimeo.

Music Video Directed by Yoann Lemoine, showing the beauty of nature.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Welcome To The Jungle!

Should I travel? Should I continue my studies? Should I look for a job? 

Ever been at that point in life where you're just about finishing up school and are about to enter the "real world" where you're like holy crap, I'm about to enter the real world, the beginning of the rest of my life and I don't even know what the heck I'm doing? Perhaps? Perhaps not? Well that's where I would place myself right about now.

It's not that I have no idea what I'm going to do, I do know what I want to do, but it's more like, okay, how do I get from point A to point B? There's also the question of do I want to look for a job right away or do I want to do some traveling first? As far as careers go, I've been doing my research and checking job hunting sites but I will admit that I have been kinda lazy as well. I know, it's bad. Maybe I should have made more connections. Maybe I should have asked more questions to be properly informed.
Maybe I should have, what if I had, if only if only if only... too late for regrets =)

Art therapy along with music and drama therapy haven't been very legit or even existing professions up until recently, well at least here in Canada. That could explain why I'm not having any luck finding available positions in the job search engine results. I did however interestingly enough find plenty in the States. I mean, there must be positions here at hospitals, clinics, schools, etc. maybe they're just all taken, or on the down low. I probably need to search harder. Sigh. It's weird being an adult and having a whole new set of responsibilities take a dump in your lap. Responsibilities which your parents can no longer play a part in because at this point they can't decide your life for you.

I heard this would be a difficult time in my life, where I'm smack-dab in the middle of a transition and beginning to make something of myself. I was warned. Change is scary 'cause I don't know what happens next. People fear the unknown, naturally. In fact, we like to play all-knowing gods who are in total control. Ha ha, who are we mere mortals kidding.

On a brighter note, I also heard it would be an exciting time in my life where I would encounter new opportunities, new people and new experiences. I just need to trust that God will be with me and help me get through every stage. I just need to maintain an optimist's perspective.Whatever happens, happens. Bring it on real world!
But first and foremost I need to get my lazy butt off the couch and continue my job search!